The Secret of Coconut Oil

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WTF Coconut Oil: Marvelous Marbling

Not long ago we struck upon a fantastic new idea – a plant-based marbling fat that is a unique blend of our Druids Grove Organic Coconut Oil and methylcellulose. This begged the question – what else could you do with this stabilized coconut concoction? After much R&D, Scott was able to develop one of the most sought after plant-based recipes requested by you guys – a plant-based chikn nugget! Find out the secret behind the nugget… on this week’s WTF.

Product Links:
Druids Grove Coconut Oil
Methylcellulose HV
Methylcellulose F50
Burger Binder
Faba Bean Protein
Nutritional Yeast Flakes
Moo Gloo TI
Batter Bind S

Recipe Link:
Plant-Based Cornish Pasties
Plant-Based Golden Chikn Nuggets with Sweet & Sour Sauce
DIY Plant-Based Burger

References and Other Links you Might Like!
WTF – DIY Plant Based Meat
WTF – Plant-Based Sausage
WTF – Faba Bean Protein
WTF – Methylcellulose
WTF – Nutritional Yeast Flakes
WTF – Moo Gloo
WTF – Batter Bind S

About ‘We Transform Food’
We Transform Food is a weekly series from Modernist Pantry exploring cool ingredients and gadgets that can help any chef transform food into more memorable experiences.


  • What does Methylcellulose HV do for the recipe? ie if it was left out.
    I haven’t had any luck using your HV to improve texture of sausage burger etc; no difference in moisture or cohesion.

    Interested to try burger binder if it actually holds mix together.

    moo glue also not noticable but I need side-by-side comparison to say definitively… hey, that’s what I would love to see more in videos: side-by-side trials!

    • HV is used in the burger and chickn nugget recipes. If you are using HV and Moo Gloo in your own recipe instead of ours then it may require different ratios since we don’t know what is in your recipe or how you are incorporating it. The TI will only work with certain plant proteins. Our recipes are tested many times to make sure that they work consistently before we release them.

  • Love the creativeness of your ingredients and the concept of your cooking. I get your email and enjoy them. Your videos are helpful too. Just saw your Chicken nugget video. I am allergic to wheat and soy so pea protein or beans are OK for to make burgers or nuggets. Would you consider demonstrating how to process and use pea protein in developing a vegan chicken tender. I would love to bake or pan brown them rather than dee fry in oil. Gotta keep it kinda healthy, 🙂

    • We don’t have a recipe yet that works to mimic the muscle structure of whole chicken, but for now you can always make the nugget into a chicken tender shape and bake.

  • Angelica Lee-celestine
    February 12, 2021 1:56 pm

    Is it possible to store the coconut shreds jarred in the refrigerator or freezer to be used when needed? Or will the shreds clump back together into a block form?

    • Since the coconut oil is very temperature sensitive they are likely to melt back together

  • OMG yes please do a Pork one next.

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