The Secret of Fluid Gels

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WTF Fluids Gels: Go With The Flow

Fluid gels are weak gels that stay solid until you’re ready to dig in. It’s a bit of technical wizardry that packs on the “wow how did you do that?” factor while remaining surprisingly simple. Scott and Janie walks through the technique of creating a variety of fluid gels and show off both a few edible cocktails and toaster strudels with fluid gel filling and Kouign-Amann crust… on this week’s WTF.

Product Links:
Fruit Powder
Super Agar
Gellan Gum F
Perfected Xanthan Gum
Fish Gelatin

Recipe Link:
Fruit Fluid Gel Kouign-Amann
Irish Cream Filled Marshmallows

References and Other Links you Might Like!
WTF – Fruit Powder
WTF – Super Agar
WTF – Gelatin
WTF – Xanthan Gum
WTF – Gellan Gums

About ‘We Transform Food’
We Transform Food is a weekly series from Modernist Pantry exploring cool ingredients and gadgets that can help any chef transform food into more memorable experiences.


  • Eileen Reynolds
    June 11, 2020 12:32 pm

    Just got bag of Tapioca maltodextrin. Didn’t know it had carbs I’m a diabetic I’m assuming it’s bad carbs but not sure. Also no directions on the package it came in how much should you put in oil?

  • Jayme Kopelman
    June 16, 2020 12:13 pm

    My name ís Kopelman, Jayme, a Brazilian customer. I understand most of your customers are Americans, but not all of them, which is my case. I find it difficult to follow your videos because you folks speak too quickly. Maybe you could speak a little bit more slowly. Thanks
    June 16, 2020

    • Carol B Melancon
      June 20, 2020 8:15 pm

      If you search for and watch this video on YouTube, you can turn on the closed caption option and read what they are saying in English. The words appear as fast as they speak, but you can pause the video if needed.

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