The Secret of Umai Dry Salumi

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WTF Umai Dry Salumi: Hung Up on the Cure

Part 3 of the Umai Dry series showcases how to use Umai Dry bags to safely make delicious salumi in any kitchen. A few minutes in the mixer and a few weeks of patience are the bare necessities for becoming a curing connoisseur. Scott and Janie taste and test four different types of sausages that we made with the Umai Dry Bags, and shares important tips on how to ensure food safety while keeping it tasty… on this week’s WTF.

Product Links:
Umai Dry Salumi/Sausage Bags 32mm
Umai Dry Salumi/Sausage Bags 50mm
Umai Dry Salumi/Sausage Bags70mm
Umai Dry Salumi/Sausage Bags Sampler Pack

Recipe Link:
Umai Dry DIY Homemade Salumi

References and Other Links you Might Like!
WTF – Umai Charcuterie
WTF – Umai Dry Aged Steak
WTF – Prague Powder Part 1
WTF – Prague Powder Part 2
WTF – Sodium Caseinate

About ‘We Transform Food’
We Transform Food is a weekly series from Modernist Pantry exploring cool ingredients and gadgets that can help any chef transform food into more memorable experiences.


  • I lived for many years in Japan, and I loved the cuisine. It was there that I was also introduced to many kinds of Chinese Sausages. I would like to try to recreate them.

  • Janet Gillespie
    March 30, 2021 12:50 pm

    My father made the BEST summer sausage ever, not so fatty and with lots of garlic, black pepper, coriander seeds and mustard seeds. I have the recipe and a cast-iron antique sausage stuffer that we’ve used a lot for Italian sausage and breakfast sausage; however, I do not have the right facilities for summer sausage so these bags offer some potential to replicate my dad’s sausage, which I do miss.

  • Janet Gillespie
    March 30, 2021 12:50 pm

    My father made the BEST summer sausage ever, not so fatty and with lots of garlic, black pepper, coriander seeds and mustard seeds. I have the recipe and a cast-iron antique sausage stuffer that we’ve used a lot for Italian sausage and breakfast sausage; however, I do not have the right facilities for summer sausage so these bags offer some potential to replicate my dad’s sausage, which I do miss.

  • Frank Nelson
    March 30, 2021 6:50 pm


  • Carolyn Grant Benton
    April 20, 2021 4:45 pm

    I like Salami and pepperoni

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