- 300g Carrots Peeled ~ 1 Large Carrot
- 300g Parsnips Peeled ~ 1 Large Parsnip
- 300g Sweet Potato Peeled, ~ 1 Medium Sweet Potato
- 20g Ginger ~ 1 Knob
- 10g Grated Cinnamon ~ 1 Stick
- 5 Pods Cardamom
- 10g (⅛ Cup) Coffee Bean Flour
- For 1 Latte Serving:
- 150g (¾ Cup) Water
- 10 Grams Roasted Root Vegetable Dry Mix
- 20g (1 Tbsp) Maple Syrup
- 150g (¾ Cup) Oat Milk/Almond Milk
- .5g (1 tsp) Foam Magic
- Single Serve / K Cup Coffee Maker w/ Reusable Pod
- Box Grater
- 3 Half Sheet Pans
- Parchment Paper
- Large Bowl
- Spice Grater
- Mortar and Pestle (optional)
- Small Saucepan
- Frother
Active Time: 1 Hour
Total Time: 24 Hours
30 Cups
Roast Root Vegetables
Preheat the oven to 425°F.Grate the carrots, parsnips and sweet potato on the finest settings. You can substitute whichever root vegetables you enjoy, using this process.Separate into 3 sheet pans and bake in the oven for 30 minutes, making sure to mix each pan every 10 minutes as the edges will darken quickly.Root vegetables can be grated and mixed together before roasting but it will take much longer because of the differences of water in each vegetable.When done, remove from the oven and let rest for 10 minutes.
Dehydrate Root Vegetables
Put the vegetables on a tray and dehydrate 24 hours along with the knob of ginger.Take the vegetables out of the dehydrator and put into a large bowl and set asideTake out the dried ginger and grate it with the spice grater.
Mix Spices
Crush the cardamom with the back of a knife and chop fine or use a mortar and pestle if you have one.With your hands gently crush the dehydrated root vegetables being careful not to powderize because if they are too fine they can clog up your coffee maker.Add the grated ginger, cinnamon, and chopped cardamom to the dried root vegetables and reserve.
Create Latte
Add 10 grams or “coffee” mix into your portafilter or KCup adapter and add the water to your coffee maker’s reservoir.Pour the maple syrup into the bottom of your mug and brew the “coffee”.As it’s brewing, heat up the oat milk, add the Foam Magic and froth.Pour frothed oat milk into “coffee” and enjoy!