Calcium Salts Usage Chart

Calcium Salts Usage Chart:

Usage % Hydration Flavor Calcium Content Uses
Calcium Chloride 1% Cold Bitter 36.10%
Pickling, Spherification
Suggested Uses Calcium Chloride is one of the primary ingredients in direct spherification. It is used in the setting bath to activate the sodium alginate. Due to it’s extremely salty taste, it should not be used in reverse spherification.
Calcium Lactate 1% Cold Neutral 18.40%
Spherification, LM Pectin
Suggested uses Calcium Lactate is perfect for reverse spherification (dipped in sodium alginate bath) without adding any flavor at all to the end product. It is soluble in cold liquids and can be used with acidic, high alcohol, or fatty mediums. This has less calcium than Calcium Chloride. When making an abundance of direct spherification the calcium level in the bath will drop, so be sure to have extra “bath” ready.
Calcium Lactate Gluconate 1% Cold Neutral 9.30%
Spherification, LM Pectin
Suggested Uses Calcium Lactate Gluconate is a calcium-rich product and is perfect for reverse spherification (dipped in sodium alginate bath) without adding any flavor at all to the end product. It is soluble in cold liquids and can be used with acidic, high alcohol, or fatty mediums. This is the lowest calcium content of the three. When making an abundance of direct spherification the calcium level in the bath will drop, so be sure to have extra “bath” ready.

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