A keto Loophole?

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The Struggle:

We welcome questions about our products of any kind. I will do my best to research and answer whatever it is that you want to know. I actually like it, I feel like I’m constantly being tested. Sometimes the answers to the questions come easily, and other times… not so much. I’m sure there are times where I look like that math confusion meme, you know the one. Thankfully for this question I knew the answer, but I feel like it could confuse a lot of people if they never had to take a nutrition class. So what if there was a way to completely remove carbohydrates from your diet? This is especially interesting with the keto diet trend. Is there a potential loophole that allows you to cancel out the carbohydrates in a recipe? The Keto diet requires you to consume a small amount of net carbohydrates. Net carbohydrates is the number of carbohydrates you have after you subtract the dietary fiber. The question we were asked was “Can I add more fiber to my diet to cancel out the carbohydrates”? 


“Is there a loophole to cancel out carbohydrates?” 


Is This The Key to Carbless Food?


When adding ingredients like methylcellulose, konjac gum, and xanthan gum you are adding fiber to a recipe. You can use these to make carb free recipes as well. But these ingredients don’t in return cancel out things like sugar. Why is that, how does the fiber actually affect the carb count. Let’s break this down because it’s actually very simple. If a recipe has a total carbohydrate count of 10g with 5g of dietary fiber the net carbohydrate count is 5g. These 5g of net carbs are things like sugar. So by adding 5g of fiber it should reduce the net carbohydrates down to 0g, right? Sadly no, fiber is also a carbohydrate. So what this means is that the total carbohydrate count is the only number that will increase. What’s left is 15g total carbohydrates – 10g dietary fiber = 5g net carbs. While this isn’t the carb loophole we were looking for, we do have a loophole for a carb and calorie free noodle. 


There is hope for all the noodle lovers out there. If you want the experience of your favorite noodle dish without all the guilt of ruining your diet. We have the answer for you, Shirataki is a noodle made from konjac gum that creates a chewy noodle that pairs well with any dish. Shirataki is so simple and can be made in just a few minutes. While we couldn’t negate all the carbohydrates from your daily intake we are happy that you can use this recipe to enjoy noodles again. So whether you’re on a keto diet or not give these awesome noodles a try!


Ready to get Cooking?

Give our Zero Calorie Shirataki Noodles recipe a try! These springy, zero calorie noodles are a recipe staple for a reason.  The bouncy texture thrills noodle connoisseurs, and the star ingredient, konjac gum, lures gluten free and keto diners.  It’s the perfect canvas to showcase your favorite flavors.



  • There is a real way to block absorption of most carbs, but it’s pricey. We only absorb monosaccharides, like glucose and fructose. Starch is a complex carb that has to be broken apart into monosaccharides in order to absorb it. There are a couple drugs that do that, the safest of which is miglitol, also known as Glycet. It inhibits enzymes like amylase, which, in turn, prevents digestion of starch. No digestion = no absorption.

    In addition to the financial, there is another price to pay as well. About half of patients have some GI side effects. But you get to choose what you’re willing to do to decrease the bump in blood sugar.

    There’s one more way to lower blood sugar almost instantly: exercise. A short walk an hour or so after eating lowers circulating blood glucose more than you’d imagine. Don’t believe it? Go to the drug store and buy a glucometer. They work by finger stick blood sampling and cost all of about $25. Check your glucose levels before and after a 15 minute walk. Kinda amazing how effective it is.

  • True, your body won’t digest the starch, but the bacteria in your gut will. They will convert the polysaccharides into monosaccharides and short-chain fatty acids, which your body will absorb. The absorption is delayed, reducing the insulin response, which is why there are drugs to do it. Those “GI side effects” are the result of your colon dealing with the bacterial buffet.


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