David Pietranczyk – PolyScience Culinary Support Manager

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David Pietranczyk – PolyScience Culinary Support Manager

Kitchen Alchemy is a podcast exploring the transformations of those transforming food.

Today’s guest is David Pietranczyk, the Culinary Support Manager at Breville PolyScience.

Chef Pietranczyk wears many hats at PolyScience. He is a Sous Vide expert. He records, edits, and manages all of their social media channels. And he travels the world spreading his cooking knowledge.

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1 Comment.

  • The Potato dish you talk about is described in a book with one of the longer titles in history. ‘Being Dead is no Excuse, the Southern Housewife’s Hand Book to Funeral Food.’ I think it is called something like: I Feel lika can die Potatoes. Funny book to read about a period in food where the canned soup ruled in this country and other parts of the world.

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