- 900g (2 lbs) Ground beef or Plant-Based Ground Meat
- 100g (½ small onion) Onions
- 45g (3 tbsp) BBQ Seasoning
- 20g (2 each) New Mexico Chilis, Ground
- 25g (1 each) Ancho Chilis, Ground
- 7.5g (1 ½ tsp) Cayenne
- 180g (6oz can) Tomato Paste
- 360g (12 oz) Stout Beer
- 800g (3 ⅓ cup) Whole Peeled Plum Tomatoes, Canned
- 250g (1 cup) Red Kidney Beans
- 60g (2 oz) Canola Oil

- Sauce Pot
Active Time: 20 Minutes
Total Time: 1 Hour (2-3 Hours for Ground Beef)
Two 4oz Servings
Prepare Meat
In a Sauce pot over high heat add 45g (1½ oz) of canola oil and saute the ground beef or plant based beef. Cook the meat until it has browned on all sides and is cooked through. Remove the meat from the pan and reserve.
Prepare Chili Base
In the pan add the remaining oil and reduce the heat to medium low. Allow the oil to heat until it begins to shimmer. Add the onion and cook until translucent.
Add the ground chilis and bbq spice to the pan and cook until aromatic, about 30 seconds.
Add the tomato paste to the pan and mix with the ingredients. Cook the tomato paste for 1 minute.
Add the stout beer and deglaze the pan. Cook for 2 minutes to remove the alcohol.
Combine, Cook, Serve
Return the browned meat back to the pan along with the tomato and kidney beans.
Cook for 40 minutes on the lowest heat and serve. If using the plant based chili will be ready to eat within the hour.
If you choose to use ground beef rather than our plant based meat the flavors will need additional time to meld. Allow the beef chili to cook covered for 2-3 hours for the flavors to penetrate the meat.

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[…] Link: Game Day Stout Chili The Ultimate Game Day Guacamole 2 Step Homemade Sour Cream Kitchen Alchemy DIY Plant-Based Ground […]