Make Ahead Whipping Siphon Waffles

Ever wondered how long ISI waffle batter could last? We put it to the test using potassium sorbate to push the limit on refrigerated waffle batter. Stay tuned for surprising results and tips!




  • 90g (¾ Cup) AP Flour
  • 90g (¾ Cup) Cake Flour
  • 220g (1 Cup) Buttermilk
  • 2  Large Eggs
  • 13g ( 1 Tbsp) Vanilla Extract
  • 30g (2⅜ Tbsp) Sugar
  • 4g (1 Tsp) Kosher Salt
  • .5g (¼ Tsp) Potassium Sorbate



Active Time: 25 Minutes Total Time: 25 Minutes


~ 10 Mini Waffles

  • Mix Ingredients and Charge

    In a medium bowl whisk together the sugar, salt, potassium sorbate, bread and cake flours until well combined.
    Add the buttermilk, eggs, and vanilla extract to the bowl and whisk until the batter is combined.
    Use the funnel to pour the batter in the whipper up to its maximum fill line.
    Tighten the lid and and charge it with one N20 cartridge and shake vigorously for 5 seconds.
  • Store and Serve

    You can put the cream whipper in the fridge and have up to 2 weeks to use the batter or you can use it immediately.
    Pan spray your hot mini waffle maker, dispense the batter for the cream whipper into the waffle maker and close the lid and cook until golden brown for about 4 minutes.
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Make Ahead Whipping Siphon Waffles
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