- 200g Granulated Sugar (¾ cup)
- 200 g Distilled Water (7 fl oz)
- 2g Sodium Citrate (1/2 tsp)
- 28g Lime Juice (1 fl oz) About 1 Lime
- 10g Lime Zest (2 limes)
- 13g Mint Leaves, Bruised (1 sprig)
- 5g Perfected Sodium Alginate (1 Tbsp)
- 500g Water (2 cups)
- 5g Calcium Chloride (2 tsp)

- Small Heavy Bottom Pan
- Spherification Spoon
- Perfect Caviar Maker
- Rapid Caviar Maker (optional)
- Mason Jar
- Superbag 250 Micron
Active Time: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Total Time: 24 Hours
1 Pint of Sphere Liquid
Spherification Liquid
In a mason jar place granulated sugar, water, sodium citrate, lime juice, lime zest, and bruised mint leaves. Cover the jar and shake well. Allow it to refrigerate for 24 hours. Shake periodically to make sure no sugar settles to the bottom.
Use a super bag to strain out the zest and mint.
Pour the mixture into a bowl and whisk in the sphere magic. Allow the mixture to settle until all the air bubbles have been released. This should only take a few moments.
The sphere magic will need 10-20 minutes to fully hydrate.
Setting Bath
Mix 500g of water with the calcium chloride until it dissolves completely.
Create Spheres
Combine the Have the lime and mint liquid, the calcium setting bath, and a bowl of fresh water for rinsing., salt, glucose powder and water in a heavy bottom small pan.
Fill a caviar syringe or a rapid caviar maker, let the lime and mint liquid fall into the calcium setting bath drop by drop.
Using a spherification spoon, stir gently for 30-45 seconds. Stir the bath without touching the spheres.
Transfer spheres to the rinsing bath and stir gently. This removes the bitter flavor of the calcium bath.Remove spheres from the rinsing bath with a spherification spoon and blot dry on paper towels before serving.
Store and Serve
These spheres are best served immediately. You may store them in the remaining mint spherification liquid. However, the skin on the spheres will continue to harden until the spheres are solid.