- 250g (2 cups) Walnut Pieces
- 4g (â…” tsp) Salt
- 100g (3 oz) Walnut Oil
- 5g (1 tsp) Sugar
- 10g (1 Tbsp 2 tsp) Mono & Diglyceride Flakes
- Perfect Film Discs

- Blender
- Sheet Pan
- Small Heavy Bottom Pot
- Impulse Heat Sealer
- Scissors
Active Time: 15 Minutes Total Time: 40 Minutes
1.5 Cups
Walnut Butter Ravioli
Roast Walnuts
Preheat an oven to 250°F. Place walnuts on a sheet pan and roast at 250°F for 25 minutes or until lightly browned and fragrant.
Heat Oil
In a small heavy bottom pot over low heat place the the walnut oil and mono & diglycerides until the mono & diglyceride flake have melted. (140°F).
Combine and Blend
In a blender place the walnuts, salt, sugar, and walnut oil mixture. Blend on low until it becomes a smooth puree, about 3 minutes. Remove from the blender and cool completely. Place the walnut butter in a squeeze bottle or small pastry bag with a ¼ inch opening.
Create Walnut Butter Ravioli’s
To make raviolis, Set an impulse heat sealer to 2, or the second to lowest temperature. Wear gloves to ensure the perfect film discs do not come in contact with water. The final shape of the ravioli will be triangular. Fold a perfect film disc in half to make a semi circle [A]. Place the disc on the heat sealer and seal one side of the triangle [B]. Use the open side of the disc as an opening to fill the ravioli.

Fill the disc with a small amount of walnut butter [C] and seal the other side to finish the triangular shape [D]. Trim any excess perfect film disc with a pair of scissors [E] and serve immediately

- 300g (2 ea) Green Apples
- 500g (1 small bunch) Black Grapes, Seedless
- 1g (1 tsp) Locust Bean Gum
- 1g (½ tsp) Carageenan Kappa
- 0.5g (¼ tsp) Carageenan Iota
- 3g (1 tsp) Sodium Citrate
- 30g (2 Tbsp ) Sugar
- 500g (1 pint) Vegetable Oil

- Pastry Bag with a Star Tip
- Blender
- Perfect Caviar Maker
- Caviar Spoon
- Heavy Bottom Pot
- Superbag 250 Micron
Active Time: 15 Minutes Total Time: 25 Minutes
1 Cup of Finished Spheres
Apple and Grape Cold Oil Spheres
Cool Oil
Place the vegetable oil in a small bowl and place it in the freezer.
Prepare Fruit
Remove the core from the apples and pick the grapes off the stems. Place apples, grapes, sodium citrate and sugar in a blender and blend well. Allow the juice to sit for 10 minutes before straining through a 250 micron Superbag. Measure 300g (10 ½ oz) of strained apple and grape juice.
Dry Mix
In a small bowl dry mix together the carageenan iota, kappa, and locust bean gum.
Combine and Heat
Pour the apple and grape juice into a heavy bottom sauce pot and sprinkle the dry mixture over the top. Place the juice over medium heat and whisk until it comes to a simmer. Lower the heat to low, this will keep the mixture from setting prematurely. The kappa, iota, and locust bean gum will begin to gel at 160°F, so try to keep the mixture above this temperature.
Create Spheres
Remove the oil from the freezer. Draw the liquid into a perfect caviar maker and slowly drop little droplets into the oil. Allow the droplets to set for 1 minutes or until they are solid. Store the spheres in the oil until service.
- 2 Celery Stalks, Sliced on the Bias, About 1/8th Inch Thick
- 120g (4 oz) Water
- 360g (12 oz) Sugar
- Celery Salt, To Taste

- Excalibur Dehydrator
- Small Heavy Bottom Pot
Active Time: 10 Minutes Total Time: 19 Hours
½ Cup
Candied Celery
Heat Sugar and Celery
Mix together the sugar and water in a small heavy bottom pot and bring it to a boil. Remove the syrup from the heat and add the celery to pot. Allow the celery to rest in the syrup for 5 minutes.
Dehydrate Celery
Remove the celery from the syrup and place on the mat of a dehydrator. Sprinkle each piece with a small amount of celery salt. Dehydrate for 18 hours at 135°F. If you don’t have a dehydrator place them on a non-stick mat and place them in the oven at 200°F for 2-4 hours or until crispy. Place them in an airtight container until service.

[…] Reimagined Waldorf Salad […]
[…] Reimagined Waldorf Salad […]