The Secret of Mono + Diglyceride Flakes

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WTF – Mono + Diglyceride Flakes? A Seriously Powerful Emulsifier for Foaming Oils

Built for heavy lifting, Mono and Diglyceride Flakes is a truly unique emulsifier that tackles fat emulsions and foams with the strength of a grizzly. Learn how to add this seriously powerful emulsifier to your arsenal… on this week’s WTF.

Product Links:
Mono + Diglyceride Flakes

Recipe Links:
Updated Niçoise Salad with Black Olive Foam

About ‘We Transform Food’
We Transform Food is a weekly series from Modernist Pantry exploring cool ingredients and gadgets that can help any chef transform food into more memorable experiences.


  • Is it vegan? Is it animal based?

  • You mention that you use monoglycerides at between 0.5% and 2%. The package you sell, however, says “Typical Usage: 8% by weight.” You might consider modifying that so that those of us using it for baking don’t end up using way too much.

    • Sorry… I meant to say that you recommended 0.5% to 2% WHEN USING IT FOR BAKED GOODS.

    • It’s difficult for us to put usage on our packages because depending on the application it could be a little or a lot. Will make a note on the package.

  • Michael Mallow
    May 19, 2021 4:46 pm

    I enjoy your demonstrations and products. It’s a different way of experiencing food and cooking.

  • Nathan Simons
    June 29, 2021 10:37 am

    Do you have a spec sheet available?

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