- 587.5g (7 Cups + 2 Tbsp) Im Free Perfect Gluten Free Flour, (plus extra for dusting)
- 10g (3 Tbsp + 1 tsp) Im Free Perfect Gluten Replacement
- 67.5g (9 Tbsp + 2 tsp) Sodium Caseinate
- 6.75g (2 ½ tsp) Moo Gloo TI
- 100g (1Cup+1Tbsp+1tsp) Corn Flour
- 4.5g (1 ¾ tsp) Instaferm Red Yeast
- 12.5 (1 Tbsp) Sugar
- 11g (2 tsp) Salt
- 3.2g (1 tsp) Im Free Perfect Baking Powder
- 500g (2 Cups + 1Tbsp) Water (for bagel recipe)
- 2g (¼ tsp) Amylase
- 946g (1 quart) Water (for bagel cooking)
- 14.4g (1 Tbsp) Baking Soda

- Stand Mixer
- Large Heavy Bottom Pan
- Baking Tray
- Non-Stick Mat
Active Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours
6 Bagels
Mix Dough
In the bowl of your Standup mixer add the gluten free flour, gluten replacement, sodium caseinate, moo gloo ti, corn flour, yeast, sugar, salt and baking powder and mix for 2 minutes to incorporate.
Slowly add the 1st measurement of water and amylase and mix for 2 minutes or until all combined.
Allow the dough to rest for 5 minutes, this will allow the Moo Gloo TI will firm up the dough.
Shape and Proof Bagels
Place the dough on a GF flour dusted work surface.
Cut dough into 6 pieces (approximately 200g) each. Preshape each piece into a ball.
Using your thumb or the handle of a wooden spoon, make a whole in the center, keeping the seam of the roll down.
With your hands, stretch the center of the whole outwards to give you a traditional bagel shape. Maintain the center is in the middle so it proofs and bakes evenly.
Rest the bagels at room temperature for 1 hour to proof.
Boil Bagels
Once the bagels are proofed and spring back when touched. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
Bring a large heavy bottom pan, with the second amount of water and the baking soda to a boil.
Using a slotted spoon, gently add the bagels to the boiling water, cook in batches, so the bagels have space to expand as they boil.
Boil on each side for 1 minute, and with the slotted spoon remove and place on a baking tray lined with a non stick mat.
Bake & Serve
Bake for 10-12 minutes or until internal temperature is minimum 200°F
Remove and cool completely on a wire rack.
Once cooled serve.
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[…] Link: Chewy Gluten Free Bagels Gluten Free Thin Crust […]