- 50g (¼ Cup + 2 Tbsp + 1 tsp) Faba Bean Protein Concentrate
- 50g (¼ Cup + 1 Tbsp) Almond Flour
- 10g (1 Tbsp + 1 ½ tsp) EverCrisp
- 2.5g (½ tsp) I’m Free Baking Powder
- 5g (1 tsp) Salt
- 7.2g (1 Tbsp) Methocel E4M
- 125g (½ Cup) Water
- 125g (½ Cup) Pickle Juice
- 1000g (1 quart) Vegetable Oil (for frying)

- Large Heavy Bottom Pan
- Fryer Thermometer
- Mixing Bowls
Active Time: 10 Minutes
Total Time: 30 Minutes
1 cup batter
Prepare Vegetables
Place Vegetable Oil in a large heavy bottom pan or fryer and preheat to 325°F.
In a mixing bowl, combine the faba bean protein concentrate, almond flour, evercrisp, baking powder, salt and the Methocel E4m and whisk together until combined.
Remove ¼ Cup of the mix and place in a mixing bowl and set aside.
Add the water and pickle juice to the remaining mix and whisk until combined and not lumpy.
Coat & Fry
Evenly Coat the Pickles or vegetables in the dry mix that was set aside and coat.
Remove from the dry and place in the batter and coat evenly.
Remove from the batter and roll one more time in the dry mix.
Place in hot oil and fry for 2 minutes or until golden brown.
Serve & Enjoy
With a slotted spoon or tongs, removed the crispy pickles/veg and place on a paper towel.
Enjoy with your favorite dipping sauce, we suggest our Plant-based Remoulade.

Are you crazy? Methacel e4m is found in cleaning fluid. What is wrong with you!
It’s a common misconception that if a product has the same name as something that is in an industrial product that it is the same in both application. There are several different grades of ingredients – industrial, cosmetic, food grade, pharma grade. Industrial is the lowest grade and has the lowest purity and that is what is used in cleaners. Pharma grade is the highest purity and reserved for pharmaceutical use. All of our products are food grade. Hope that helps.
Relax. Methocel is Dupont’s brand of methyl cellulose. It is derived from cotton fibers or at least that was the raw material when I visited the plant years ago while working on a graduate degree in Chem. Engineering.
It is a common thickening agent for any number of products from cleaners to food and beverages.
I vividly remember walking through a unit where a pipe had burst and long tendrils of a very viscous fluid that could best be compared to snot in appearance was hanging from the burst pipe all the way to the floor, twenty feet below.
Guys in Tyvek suits and rubber boots were busy shoveling the methyl cellulose from the floor into wheelbarrows so the plumbers could get in with their ladders and man lifts to fix the pipe.
[…] 3. Gluten Free, Keto Tempura Batter – Kitchen Alchemy […]