What Is Gelatin Reverse Spherification?
We have developed spherification technique called gelatin reverse spherification. This technique allows you to make hot spheres that spherify perfectly each time and can even be made with high fat content. Gelatin spheres work in the same way as frozen reverse spheres. But rather than freezing, gelatin is added to the sphere liquid. The gelatin will set and allow their spheres to be cut into any desired shape. We have made pillows shaped spheres, cylinders, rectangles, sheets.
Table Of Contents
1. Add Calcium and Gelatin |
2. Make Setting Bath |
3. Molding |
4. Setting Spheres |
5. Rinse Spheres |
6. Holding |
7. Get Started with Base Recipe |
8. More Spherification Course Content |
Add Calcium and Gelatin
Add 1% Calcium Lactate or Calcium Lactate Gluconate to the flavorful liquid.

The recipe will need hydrated & melted gelatin added to the flavorful liquid. This can be done in a ratio of 5-10% of the total weight of the recipe using 250 bloom beef gelatin. Make sure the flavorful liquid is warm before adding the melted gelatin. This ensures the gelatin says fluid until the molding process.

Make Setting Bath

Most spring and tap water contains calcium, which will react with sodium alginate. Use only distilled water.
Add 0.5-0.7% Perfected sodium alginate by weight to the water bath, which is 5-7g per 1000g water.
Rest for 1 hour or until all the bubbles dissipate.
Pour the gelatin rich mixture into a mold. Any shape will work for this method. Alternatively the flavorful liquid can be placed set into a sheet and punched out into the desired shape.

Setting Spheres

In a pot gently warm the setting bath to 140°F.
Place the gelled “sphere” into the warm setting bath and stir gently. Allow the gelled sphere to set for 2-5 minutes (depending on the size) in the bath.
Rinse and Hold

Warm a pan of distilled water to 140°F for rinsing and holding.
Using spherification straining spoon or a fine mesh spider, remove the “sphere” from the bath and transfer to the warm distilled water bath to rinse.
The spheres can be held here for up to an hour before serving.
“Spheres” are best served immediately. They can be stored temporarily on a non-stick sheet overnight. To reheat, the “spheres” can be placed in a warm water bath heated to 140°F for 2-5 minutes to melt the gelatin for service
Get Started with this Base Recipe
Béarnaise Sauce Spherification