The Secret of High Protein Bars

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WTF High Protein Bars: Boost Your Bar

A high protein diet is great for boosting metabolism and aiding in weight loss. For many of us it’s also a great way to grab a healthy meal replacement or snack on the go. Store-bought options, while plentiful, may not always offer you that exact nutrition profile, taste, or texture that you truly love. No need to settle for an “okay that’ll do” bar when now you can customize a protein bar to your exact specifications using almost any ingredient. Scott and Janie walk you through the three easy steps to make your personal protein bar at home… on this week’s WTF.

Product Links:
Egg White Powder
Non-Diastatic Malt Powder

Recipe Link:
Dark Chocolate Oatnut High Protein Bar

References and Other Links you Might Like!
WTF – Egg Powders
WTF – Ultra Stik
WTF – Non-Diastatic Malt Powder

About ‘We Transform Food’
We Transform Food is a weekly series from Modernist Pantry exploring cool ingredients and gadgets that can help any chef transform food into more memorable experiences.