The Secret of Koji Part 2

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WTF Koji Part 2: Enzyme Extraordinaire

In this follow up episode to our Koji primer, we tackle different preparations that are made from koji spores, including shio koji, shoyu koji, amazake, and kojizuke. Learn how to create different types of koji marinades and its transformation of the humble chicken thigh into a deeply flavored amazake chicken fried rice… on this week’s WTF.

Product Links:
Soy Sauce Powder

Recipe Link:
Amazake Chicken Fried Rice
Koji, the Marvelous Mold
Shoyu Koji Roasted Pork Belly

References and Other Links you Might Like!
WTF – Koji Primer
Ask A Chef – Koji in an Instant?
WTF – Soy Sauce Powder
WTF – Batter Binder

About ‘We Transform Food’
We Transform Food is a weekly series from Modernist Pantry exploring cool ingredients and gadgets that can help any chef transform food into more memorable experiences.