The Secret of Plant-Based Clam Chowder

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WTF Plant-Based Clam Chowder: The Essence of the Sea

It’s smooth sailing using this new method of capturing seafood flavor in a plant-based recipe. Sourced off of the pristine coasts of Maine, kelp powder adds that briny ocean flavor plus rich nutritional goodness to your plant-based seafood recipe. Scott and Janie take on a New England classic, clam chowder, and transform it into a fully plant-based experience, on this week’s episode of WTF.

We Transform Food is a weekly series from Modernist Pantry exploring cool ingredients and gadgets that can help any chef transform food into more memorable experiences.


  • Wendy Schneider-Levinson
    April 27, 2022 5:22 pm

    I would love to have a plant-based recipe for snapper soup. Also, it would be great to be able to make plant-based gefilte fish.

  • I use kelp powder in my kimchi to replace fish sauce.

  • I would love to be able to make plant based fish as in fish and chips.

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